Wednesday, 25 June 2014

If it's cold enough, all tea is iced tea

After coffee and second breakfast at Il Postinos, Ben N, Jason and I spent the day down in the depths of Porters Pass in a futile attempt to escape the chilling windstorm that engulfed the upper mountains.

Played around on Powerbra Rangers and then Jas and Ben gave Chook Lotto a solid effort before we bailed to the Alex for a few rounds of pool with a new friend we made over some beers. 
A good hustle in some bad weather.

Jason with notable steeze
Ben N warming up

Making a dog's breakfast of it as always

Ben N styling through the thin crux

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Winter in the mountains

Finally finished what felt like a marathon of a semester (note: author has never run a marathon), and I am finally back in the blueys. Was climbing out at Medlow bath yesterday with Jason, Es, Steph, and Hannan; feeling super weak and trying to stay standing in some solid wind and cold.

With Jas at work, hannan and I took the day to tear down the mountains in our respective imprezas and take some photos of leura cascades.
Leura Cascades

Generic Visit Blue Mountains ad
Toasted Sandvich cafe at Leura

Windswept Hannan