Saturday, 19 July 2014

Powderhounds unite; Aus snow season at thredderz

Australia; a land of farming, deserts, alright beaches, and the odd marsupial or something.
But down south at the snowies, something magical was happening. Something not seen for many a season.

After a late night departure from central involving 3am food breaks and maccas breakfast we found ourselves at Thredbo's radiant white slopes. The weather held out with the odd break of sunshine giving bluebird conditions that made for unbelievable powder riding. With round 15cm of fresh fall every night coming right down to the village this was a snow season from another world.
Take me to the mountain

Es, Than, Monica :)

Night Skiing

Rail Jam

Jason calling out Torstein 

The morning of our last day saw some heavy winds and light fall high up the mountain putting Kosciuszko chairlift on hold until afternoon. But when we dedicated few made the journey to the highest lifted point, and headed into the backcountry, what we found at 2000m was something extraordinary...

Deep enough even for Jason

Nothing better than a powder day on the golf course

New Zealand - Coronet, Remarks, and Cardies

2 mates
3 mountains
11 days
17 beersies (prime number)

and like, 3 feet of air

New Zealand; the land of Ferg, Teapots, Frolf, and pow. After rolling up to the airport in some fine smelling mercedes monster, and getting stopped at customs due to sleep deprived me struggling to read departure forms, we were allowed into the heart of adventure - qt. After smashing down some ferg and taking copiously long showers at novotel we were up to smash some fresh lines and bring steeze back to the slopes. 

Welcome to winter

The Jason
